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Need help!

Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 12:41
Sooo, i was playing Nexuiz and i managed to press U and F10 at the same time... The game quit and when i start it up next time it's like i'm holding down the U key konstantly... Really annoying... The chat history wont go away no matter what... Nothing happens when i press U now... And restarting doesn't help etc etc....


Re: Need help!

Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 18:07
I really really need help with this if we're having a war this weekend...

I've tried backing up the config file, start the game (so that there comes a new config file), replacing that with the backup.... The problem remains...

The next thing was i downloaded nexuiz again and zipped it up on a defferent harddrive.... Replaced the original with my config...... The problem remains...

So, it has to be the config right!? ... But when i look in it i see nothing out of the ordinary. -.-


Re: Need help!

Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 19:30
by It'sMe
Nesquick, Nesquick, Nexsquick .....

here is the solution for everyone, who have problems with the chat history:

Code: Select all

and if it is no real "history" problem... try to set the always shown lines back to 5 with

Code: Select all

con_chat 5
