Insos first real map

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Insos first real map

Post by Inso » 29 Jun 2010, 23:49

I'm currently working on my first map. I haven't gotten very far, but I've already run into problems.
Half of my map refuse to get a texture, and I can't figure out what the problem is.
So I ask you, sexy dietunichtguten-members, what have I done wrong?

I'll post a video of the map so far when youtube stops to hate me.

And it might look like shit, but it's still very early in development. My goal is to make it... Not shit :w00t:
Also, the current textures will of course be replaced with new, sexy ones.


New video:

Something I noticed just now is that in the video, both of the houses have textures, but if you look at the following screenshot, one is missing textures.

[*]More entrances Nah
[*]prevent base-base sniping Kinda fixed... :laserbeam:
[*]Spawnpoints fixed
[*]Textures Pretty much done
[*]Light Pretty much done
Last edited by Inso on 09 Jul 2010, 19:30, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Insos first real map

Post by Inso » 30 Jun 2010, 12:28

I think I'm starting to get a pretty good idea of how I want the final design to be.
What do you think of the placement of the red flag? More entrances into the houses will be added later.
I can't compile to ctf, always when I try to compile my map it ends up being deathmatch.
It'sMe is able to compile it correctly, the map that is shown in the video above is compiled on his computer.
Any ideas?
Fixed, I compiled it under a different name

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Re: Insos first real map

Post by Inso » 03 Jul 2010, 21:03

The map is almost done, there's just some small texture bugs, and I can't get trigger_hurt to work.
I think I managed to make it not shit, it certainly isn't great. But it's not (the) worst map of all time :LOLOLOL:
If you want it, just tell me and I'll give it to you. As I said, it still needs some polishing, but you can see the final (for now) layout in this youtube-video:

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Re: Insos first real map

Post by Hypnosekröte » 09 Jul 2010, 13:19

sure give !

upload here =D !
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Who is smarter, a chicken or a Toad?
A Toad of course.

How do you know?
Well, I've never heard of Kentucky Fried Toad!

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Re: Insos first real map

Post by Inso » 09 Jul 2010, 18:50

It's a bit rough around the edges but I'm satisfied for now.

I know I should've used some kind of space texture for the skybox, but I couldn't find a good one. I guess I'll update the map with a new skybox sometime.

Oh, huge thanks to It'sMe for helping me so much and patiently answering all my questions, even the stupid ones.
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