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The Choosen One

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 13:19
by Lamont
Hello .

I'm Lamont, I'm from Finland .

I have 16 Years Old And i Still Study .

I Began Nexuiz with a other nickname that was Wizia

I played other game like Quake 3 And Unreal Tournament that why i have got a good aim to frag when i fly to kill flagcareer

Yesterday I played on Dietunichtguten and Hypnoskroete said " i'm good " that why i come here for speak with player from

dietunichtguten and another player from Other Clan

So For more information I'm on nexuiz :D

Re: The Choosen One

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 13:45
Lamont wrote:Hello .

I'm Lamont, I'm from Finland .

I have 16 Years Old And i Still Study .

I Began Nexuiz with a other nickname that was Wizia

I played other game like Quake 3 And Unreal Tournament that why i have got a good aim to frag when i fly to kill flagcareer

Yesterday I played on Dietunichtguten and Hypnoskroete said " i'm good " that why i come here for speak with player from

dietunichtguten and another player from Other Clan

So For more information I'm on nexuiz :D
You're IP tells me you're French.
You're behavior tells me you're Legend.

Either way, welcome.

Re: The Choosen One

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 14:22
by Hypnosekröte
Ya like someone from Legend